Royal News

Body Language Expert Highlights the One Rule Kate Middleton Refuses To Follow

Body Language Expert Highlights the One Rule Kate Middleton Refuses To Follow

Kate Middleton

Body language experts once teamed up with royal insiders and determined that Kate Middleton had officially gone off script. When the Princess of Wales first became a member of the royal family, she clearly needed some help with public speaking. Anyone would.

Many assumed she used monitors and scripts to help deliver her impassioned speeches, but it’s been years and the duchess is officially an expert in her own right. She doesn’t need PR-proofed scripts or advice from fellow royals when it comes to public speaking.

Kate, as everyone knows, doesn't come from royalty.

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Kate, as everyone knows, doesn’t come from royalty.

Prince William and Kate famously met while attending university at St. Andrews in the UK. Before she met Will, Kate was just a regular girl, although she did come from a wealthy family. But she had never had to deliver speeches and never would have imagined she’d be in the public eye. Luckily, Kate has a natural likability factor that is necessary for a future queen.

When Kate first joined the royal family she needed help with scripts and used teleprompters.

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When Kate first joined the royal family, she needed help with scripts and used teleprompters.

Body language expert Judi James determined that Kate had initial reservations about her role in the public eye, according to Express. “Kate clearly has the natural ‘stardust’ factor that her husband lacks, but her speech-making style has previously been over-cautious, led by what looks like a strong desire to get it right and avoid mistakes,” Judi said.

Kate is quite the perfectionist, but she didn't sound natural.

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Kate is quite the perfectionist, but she didn’t always sound so natural.

When Kate was using scripts, it hurt her ability to sound natural. Judi continued: “Instead of cue-notes to act as prompts she read from an A4 script that was pinned at one corner and her careful head rotations smacked of over-training again. Her natural charisma was so obvious it was a shame she hadn’t been allowed to make some ad-libs.”

Kate clearly was a natural at public speaking, even from the start, but because she and the rest of the royals wanted her to sound perfect, it actually hurt her in the long run.

“She appeared to have more intrinsic confidence than her husband, but Kate had clearly gone down the royal route of putting perfection over impact,” Judi added. “Even including the use of the same high-pitched vocal tone that the Queen uses.”

Now, Kate is comfortable going off script, and doesn't take all of the royal advice she's given.
Now, Kate is comfortable going off script, and doesn't take all of the royal advice she's given.

Now, Kate is comfortable going off script and doesn’t take all of the royal advice she’s given.
According to royal experts, using prewritten speeches is often encouraged to avoid any scandals. Kate’s been able to include her own flair, however, especially in more recent video messages. The video calls feel much more casual, and Kate has let a fun side of herself be shown. Plus, she sometimes gets totally candid like when she did a podcast interview that discussed everything from royal life to parenting tips.

Kate's not afraid to break a few rules to get her point across.

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Kate’s not afraid to break a few rules to get her point across.

Judi continued: “Kate’s speech did finally show signs of a casting off of regal elegance and perfection and some hints of the kind of more relaxed, congruent passion and a desire to create bonds with her audience. With no lectern and reading less from her notes, Kate appeared to be developing her individual style and potential as a speaker rather than focusing on being flawless.”

Thankfully, Kate decided to loosen up and show more of her true self in speeches, because it has only made the public love her more!

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